Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
When an element is added to a network is now provided with a default name. The name is optional and may be modified if required.
After a busbar has been edited, and if either of the fault ratings have changed, a facility has been provided that enables the ratings to be applied to switchgear attached to the edited busbar and to those busbars that are connected to the edited busbar via bus-sections.
The default three phase and single phase fault ratings are now set the same value according to voltage level as described below... - less than or equal to 0.415 kV = 31 MVA - less than or equal to 3.3 kV = 36 MVA - less than or equal to 6.6 kV = 72 MVA - less than or equal to 11 kV = 250 MVA - less than or equal to 33 kV = 1000 MVA - less than or equal to 66 kV = 2400 MVA - less than or equal to 132 kV = 4500 MVA - less than or equal to 275 kV = 15000 MVA - greater than 275 kV = 35000 MVA
Transient Stability now calculates the following values for lines, cables and series elements: volt drop (pu, 1, 1) volt drop (kV) and power loss (MW). Each of these values may be displayed on your single line diagram.
Following a Transient study, AVR / governor simulations can now be viewed and each of the simulation blocks is annotated with its output value.
A key describing the voltage levels employed by your network can now be drawn on your single-line diagram. Voltage levels and corresponding colours have now been made a property of the network rather than user's personal setting. When networks are supplied to colleagues or client companies the selected voltage settings stay fixed rather than adopting the users local settings.
Facilities have been added to enable ERACS to operate with a USB security key as an alternative to the parallel security key option currently offered.
The purpose of this facility, known as the "Protection Analyser", is to enable you to quickly analyse the performance of the networks entire protection scheme. Faults may be applied to every element in the network and are performed in a batch, one after another. For each study, information, which includes "clearing time", "minimum discrimination time", "number of isolated busbars" and an indicator on whether the fault was cleared, is recorded. After all studies have been performed, the recorded information is presented in a tabular format. Facilities are provided that enable you to highlight those studies that, for example, did not clear the fault or had an excessive clearance time, and, to also perform a detailed protection study of any of the studies performed during the survey.
The facility that enables a network diagram to be saved as a bitmap has been improved and now enables the diagram to be saved in the following formats: - JPEG format (jpg) - Windows metafile (wmf, 1, 1) - Enhanced metafile format (emf) - Bitmap (bmp)
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