Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
The number of curves that can be associated with a stage of a multi-stage relay has been increased from 10 to 20.
An option has been added to pre-study and post-study protection graphs that enable a title to be included below the x-axis.
An ERACS update information service has been added to ERACS. The first time ERACS is started after an ERACS update has been applied a form will be displayed providing you with facilities that enable the release notes and update movie to be viewed.
A menu item called "ERACS User Forums" has been included in the Help menu. Selecting this item will start your default web browser and open the ERACS User Forums.
It is now possible to select wind turbine generators as sources of harmonic currents.
A facility has been added to the Harmonic Injection module that enables you to select elements for which time domain waveforms will be displayed.
A facility has been added to the Help | About ERACS form that enables the end-user licence agreement to be displayed and printed.
An option has been added to ERACS that enables one or more documents to be selected and attached to any element in a network or network. The documents are presented in a list and controls are provided to manage this list. Provided that the document has been associated with a Windows application then it is possible to open the document from within ERACS.
This tool compare the setting of each protection device against the loading current calculated by Loadflow. All devices that have failed the stability check will be shown flashing on the network diagram and a control panel is displayed listing the devices. Facilities are provided that enable you to adjust the settings of a device.
After a library key has been edited ERACS asks whether elements that use the key should be updated. Prior to this release, regardless of whether the library key affects Loadflow results, if the data state had results or child data states, one was required to create a new data state. This behaviour has been modified such that ERACS does not require a new data state if the library key does not affect Loadflow results.
A tab labelled "Graph" has been included in the Options form, available from the Tools menu. This tab provides controls that enable you to select the colours used for the lines displayed on the various graphs/charts.
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