Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
It is now possible to select any of the results produced for shunts as a Transient plot parameter. Facilities have also been provided that enable the output of any block from a UDM simulation to be selected as a Transient plot parameter. As AVR's, governors and controlled shunts are modelled using UDM simulations, this feature enables any of their block outputs to be plotted during a Transient study.
The main ERACS panel is now resizeable and remembers its location, size and state between sessions.
For colour coding the network diagram the user can now specify voltage range and colour. (Tools | Options | Voltage Levels).
A new class of user access level has been implemented. Known as "User", this level allows users to: Create networks, libraries and databases; edit network and library data, delete network and library data, print data; change connectivity; and run calculations. The "User" access level prevents users from, Creating user accounts; manipulating other user accounts; and, changing system settings.
A control called 'TIF Weighting Factors' has been added to the Harmonic Injection setup panel. This enables you to select which table of values the injection program will employ to calculate TIF weighting factors. Three options are provided... 1) '1935 Values' - the Injection module will employ the 1935 weighting factors (to date ERACS has only used these values) defined on page 757 of the "Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book" by Westinghouse. 2) 'IEEE 519-1992' - the Injection module will employ the values from table 6.2 in the IEEE standard 519-1992. 3) 'CCITT Vol.VI' - the injection module will employ the values from the table associated with Figure 1/4 in the ITU CCITT Directive Volume VI "Danger And Disturbance".
A control has been added to the print setup form to enable multiple copies of a network diagram or graphs to be printed.
When the Network Explorer is displayed in "Delete" mode a delete symbol has been included on the Delete button, the form's caption now indicates that it is open in delete mode and the help text is shown in red.
The ERACS User and Password management form has been updated so that it now lists all ERACS users, making it much easier to manage user accounts.
A post-protection control panel has been created that combines the controls previously used to navigate protection stages and highlight protection devices. This panel is automatically displayed following a protection study.
The form used to display missing / out-of-date library keys is now resizeable and if the key refers to an embedded element the list includes a description of the element that it is embedded in.
After clicking the Add-Event button or the Add-Plot button, ERACS now remains in a "selection" mode until you select "Finish" from the right-button shortcut menu or if you press the "Esc" key.
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