Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
Protection Co-ordination Graphs. It is now possible to add and remove devices from previously saved co-ordination graphs.
"Percentage MW Loading" is now calculated by Loadflow for induction and synchronous machines. The result is displayed on-screen and in the CSV results.
Loadflow result, "Percentage Loading", has been changed to be more descriptive and reads "Percentage kA Loading" for lines and cables. For all other elements it is now "Percentage MVA Loading".
A new option, "Element Results", has been included in the View menu. This option enables one to globally hide/unhide element results.
Loadflow now calculates "Percentage kA Loading" for transformer windings. The result is displayed on-screen and in the CSV results.
After a protection relay has been added to a network ERACS will ask whether you wish to add links to circuit breakers.
The maximum number of neutral earths has been increased as follows...
The total number of characters that comprises an ERACS database name, including the directory name, has been increased from 75 to 240. Please note however, that the maximum number of characters that can be used for the database name alone remains unchanged at 40 characters.
A general purpose editor that supports both text and RTF formatted files has been included. To start ERACSPad select "ERACS Pad..." from the Tools menu.
To compliment the export feature an additional method of importing network data has been provided, using our common data interface. The format adopted by the interface is to use a structured, ASCII formatted text file. A pdf file describing this interface is provided and can be accessed by selecting 'Network Import' from the Help|Specifications menu.
The following two values have been included in the Loadflow summary results selection... - Number of iterations taken to solve Loadflow - Loadflow convergence error
A facility that obtains information about your ERACS installation has been included. The information retrieved includes; module version numbers, ERACS installation directories, operating system information, disk space and RAM. To obtain system information select About from the Help menu and click the button labeled "System Info..." on the About form.
The Universal Dynamic Modeller has been converted from a DOS application and is now a Win32 application. With enhanced modeling capabilities.
ERACS now supports relays that have one or more stage of operation. The model implemented by ERACS allows up to 5 stages to be defined, with up to 10 curves being associated with each stage.
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