Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
A facility to export Network data in comma separated variable format (CSV) has been included under the File Menu. This option allows Network data to be exported, viewed/validated and reports created in external applications (e.g. Word and Excel).
A facility to export library data in comma separated variable format (CSV) has been included under the Library Menu. This option allows library data to be exported, viewed/validated in tabular format and reports created in external applications (e.g. Word and Excel).
A facility has been included to allow you to disable the feature whereby ERACS loads the network you last used. This option can be toggled on / off by using the check box labeled 'Load Last Network' provided in the tab labeled 'General' given in the Options dialog box found under the Tools menu.
A list of recently used Databases has been added to the Database menu. This feature enables you to quickly open a database that you had previously opened by simply clicking on the name in the Database menu. By default, ERACS will allow a maximum of 4 entries. This can be changed by using the controls provided in the tab labelled 'General' given in the Options dialog box found under the Tools menu.
Five new toolbars have been added. By default, these will appear the first time you launch ERACS. However, they can be enabled / disabled by selecting the appropriate item from the View | Toolbars menu option, or, by clicking the mouse right button whilst the mouse cursor is over one of the buttons. The toolbars provided are... - VIEW: This toolbar includes two new buttons to show the drawing grid and enable snap to grid. - ZOOM: This toolbar also includes two new buttons. One returns the network diagram to the normal 1:1 viewing mode. The other toggles the Zoom Window On/Off. - HELP: Like the first two this toolbar also contains two new buttons. These enable you to display the Technical Manual and User Guide. - CALCULATIONS: This toolbar contains a button for each of the calculation modules. - RESULTS: This toolbar contains four buttons. The first is used to display previously selected element data. The second will display selected results. The third will clear results or data. The fourth will display the data / results selection form.
It is now possible to save Protection co-ordination plots, Transient graphs and Harmonic impedance plots as bitmaps. The facility enables you to save the graphs and legend as a bitmap to the clipboard or to file. To use this facility, select 'Save Graph as Bitmap' from the popup menu presented when the mouse right button is clicked in the graph area.
To move a summary results box, simply place the mouse cursor within the box. Press the mouse left button and whilst holding it down move the mouse. Release the button once you are in the desired position.
To move an element simply click the mouse left button on one of its hotspots and whilst holding the button down start moving the mouse. The element will begin to move.
If you click on an element it will be enclosed by small green boxes indicating that it has been selected. Pressing the delete key whilst an element is selected will instigate the element deletion procedure.
To view / edit network properties simply double click the mouse left button whilst the mouse cursor is in not over an element.
To edit an element, simply double click the mouse left button whilst the mouse cursor is over the element.
A Cut facility has been added to an element's right click pop-up menu.
The library functions have now been moved from the Tools menu to a main menu item called 'Library'. All features are now available all of the time, even when no network window is open.
The method used to delete networks and studies from your network databases has been modified, resulting in a speed improvement of approximately 50%.
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