Development of and support for the ERACS software product will come to an end on 21 December 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance.
Details of new features & fixes across the ERACS versions.
Following a Loadflow calculation all tap changers that have been locked out or have reached one of their limits are highlighted on the network diagram. Also, the transformer windings that they are attached to are highlighted in the Zoom window.
When a set of graphs is saved, ERACS now includes the grid's style and axes units in the saved collection.
The busbar results now include the negative and zero sequence driving point impedances.
The co-ordinates of the library key selection form are saved each time the form is closed. So that when it is reloaded the form will return to its previous position.
A tick box named 'Include Motors' has been added to the setup panels. When ticked the fault contribution from all asynchronous machines will be included in the calculation. If it is not ticked then ALL asynchronous machine contributions will be removed from the calculation. The radio group named 'Reactance Option' has been replaced by a drop-down box which includes a third additional option called 'Sub-transient'. Like the 'Transient' reactance option, the 'Sub-transient' option will only be enabled if at least one machine in your network has the Park's equation model selected. When 'Sub-transient' is selected all synchronous machines that have library data configured as Park's equations will have their impedance set to Rs + j.X"d. Where Rs = stator resistance and X"d = sub-transient direct axis reactance.
It is now possible to overwrite existing studies. For example, you may have a spelling mistake in the title of a Fault study. Previously if you corrected the mistake ERACS would have created a brand new study. Now ERACS will ask whether you want to overwrite the existing study.
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